Monday, February 1, 2010

My Physical Trial

Walking to my world dance class last thursday I did not notice that there was a patch of ice up ahead and of course being the person I am slipped on it. Well now it is Monday and my foot is still swollen and I have to be on crutches. In the mornings my foot looks almost normal but by the end of the day I think it has more resemblance to a hobbit foot than my own. (unless of course you think I have hobbit feet lol). About 10-15 people have come up to me telling me to go to the doctor. I probably should but really I don't like visiting the doctor. And I hate spending the money. What can I learn from this. Well I have been told to that I need to learn how to except help from other. But I hate that. I love being independent. I love being able to say that i could do that all on my own. This is going to be hard.
The picture that goes with this by the way is me being bored and playing with photobooth on my computer so it really has nothing to do with my situation. But I will put a picture of me on my crutches later.

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